Greetings GracePoint family,

We, your elders, seldom speak of our financial needs and the responsibility of each believer to give. As a church you have been so faithful and generous in your giving and we commend you for this. We would ask you all to continue in your giving even though we are not meeting publicly. Of course, the expenses of the church continue.

WheatAs a reminder, the GP website has a provision for giving online. Some of us are utilizing this option for the first time and finding it very convenient.


Also, the GracePoint app can be installed from the Android or Apple stores. Search for “FBC Gracepoint Church”.  Donations by check or money order can be mailed to the office. Please note “donation” on the outside of the envelope.

In times of (greater) financial uncertainty, we do well to remember the wonderful truth that God “who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.” 2 Cor 9:10 ESV.  In this agricultural metaphor, the seed which God supplies, is multiplied. Therefore, the sower can be generous in his giving. Likewise, “you will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way which through us will produce thanksgiving to God” 2 Cor 9:11.

May we, His church, experience great joy in our generosity and may there be much thanksgiving to our God.

Grace to you all,
Dave Gossett, for the elders

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