Make plans to gather together to worship as one body for
Palm Sunday and Easter 2021
on March 28 and April 4
at a special time of 10:30am

This Palm Sunday and Easter we are happy to announce we will return to in person worship in the sanctuary, to celebrate the Lord’s supper, sing praises, pray and be reminded of the power of the message of our risen lord, Jesus Christ.

Your safety and that of our community, is important to us, so please remember we are following the state guidelines of wearing masks & social distancing.  Please continue to wear a mask even while singing.  Family members are welcome to “cluster.”  If you are not feeling well or have been exposed to Covid-19 within the last 14 days, we ask you to please not attend in person. If you still feel vulnerable meeting in public given these parameters, we encourage your staying home. To support this decision, we will still be making our services available online and by phone.

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